Thursday, November 13, 2008


It has been a while since we posted on Will's progress so I thought I would share with you some of the things that have been happening. Progress is being made in the two critical areas of recovery: 1- Executive Function and 2- Memory.

As far as memory goes, Will has good recall of events of yesterday and plans for the immediate future. His medical memory remains at a very high level. He gave us a very excellent review of the molecular structure of Omega 3's and Omega 6's around the lunch table the other day.

In Executive Function, he has pretty much taken over his own finances. He keeps an excellent journal and structures his days very responsibily. However, he still tires easily and his speech is slurred when he's tired.

We have decided to remove all timetable expectations pertaining to his residency. When he does return he will return as a PGY1 (Post Graduate Year One). Residency years begin July 1st, so he could possibly go back as early as this July or a year from July, or later. He was disappointed that he would not be able to count the first seven months of his residency, but grateful that he could return when he was ready.

He continues to job shadow a family practice physician on Wednesdays and a neuro surgeon on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. He also works in the temple every other Saturday. His spirits are good. His fiance is largely responsible for this. She is his best therapist as well as his best friend.

We are keeping in close contact with the physicians at Riverside Methodist Hospital in Columbus and appreciate their expertise and counsel as we address new issues raised by changes in the ungoing saga of Will's recovery.