Saturday, February 23, 2008

February 23, 2008

Will' recovery took a major turn for the better on Friday, February 22, 2008 when he was playing "Go Fish," and said as plain as day, "Mom, do you have a nine?" The momentum carried over into speech therapy where he did 15 swallows with the aid of a bunch of lemon swabs and an e-stem stimulating the muscles in his throat. It also helped that he was awake. The techs and therapists have been saying they could do a lot more with the boy if he was not in the supine position. The thing that seems to precipitate upward mobility is the thought of throwing spit rags, rummikub pieces, or towels at anyone and everyone. He particularly likes throwing things at his siblings and girls from the ward. He does fake shots by throwing one direction and looking the other, but the big grin sort of gives his strategies away. The invitation by the speech therapist to stick out his tongue at everyone has not as yet been accepted. He did however, tell Lizzie to "shut up," another one of his remarkably articulate sentences. He is also pretty cagey. He wiggled out of his restraining belt and then threw off his blankets and bolted for the bathroom right in front of the nurse. She now double checks his belt for tightness. He is the envy of all the residents who are on call and come by to recall days when he was with them in "infectious diseases," or "cardiology." They look at him lying in bed being waited on hand and foot by beautiful women and wonder what it would be like. His residency supervisor comes by to remind him that she is standing in the wings ready to give him a few pointers on how to pass his next boards, so he knows this is only a brief vacation, better enjoy it while it lasts. As for the cause of this detour, they are still giving him aspirin therapy for the possibility of blood clots. All the leads Dr. Hall, the neurologist, has been following to try to pin down the exact source of the stroke have proved to be dead ends.

1 comment:

cristie said...

gee you guys look great! thanks for the update. we continue to be thankful for every positive piece of news we get. xox