Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Cardiovascular Follow Up

Tuesday Will and went to his follow-up Cardio appointment with Dr. Michaels at the University of Utah. Before meeting with the doctor, he had an echo-cardiogram and an electrocardiograph. These images showed his closure looking secure and well healed and he has been given the green light to go ahead and play racket ball, football and any other sport he wants to. He is officially off Plavix, but will be on a daily dose of Ecotrin, ( baby aspirin) for the rest of his life.

While there, Dr. Efstratiadis was so impressed with the progress Will has made in the past six months, he called a physician in the Internal Medicine Department to see if Will could job shadow in that department while preparing to return to his residency in Ohio. It turned out the person who makes these decisions was out of town and wouldn’t be back for a couple of weeks, but it was kind of Dr. Efstratiadis to make the call and offer to follow up on it.

In the mean time Will's speech therapist, Lisa, from Sugarhouse Rehab, is being brought back on board to help with speech and cognitive therapy. Will is beginning the fourth and final quarter of the year following the stroke. He is anxious to do everything he can to make the remaining months in which recovery is said to be the fastest, as productive as possible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YEA! We are sooo very happy for you all!

love you