Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Just Breathe...

OK. Here's the news. Will and I are going to Ohio October 16th. While there he will do a two week rotation. Once the rotation is up he will be evaluated and considered for another two weeks. This is great and terrible news to a wife who has been on pins and needles for months now. Wanting so badly for Will to have his life back, but not knowing the perfect time to "release" him for all to see. He has moments where he is perfect. Like Sunday for example -- we walked home from church and he recounted three hours of information he took in-- detail for detail. He even recited the chapters and versus mentioned in the lessons. Much of what he recalled were things I had forgotten. I was floored, and excited. His recovery continues to amaze me. However, in other moments he does not do as well. Specialists have said this is good news that if he is not consistent it means he is still improving/healing.

Now I mentioned in the last blog that I would give you more details on the test results. The neurologist- gave Will a great letter-- saying as far as he could tell Will was doing wonderfully and had little chance of having another stroke. He did, however, defer the decision making to the nuero psychologist as his examination is much more thorough. Dr. Mayer, the nuero psychologist, advised that Will go through an "intermediate training," slower paced than a residency but more intense than just shadowing, like he has been doing at the University of Utah. Dr. Mayer believed that starting an official residency next July was very plausible.

Neither of these doctors were able to address Will's energy levels. The time in Ohio will be our best bet at answering the question of performing well after having worked for 30 hours without sleep - While I think it is a miracle that any body can do this, it is certainly a lot to ask of a guy recovering from a serious stroke. I am the only one who complains about this however, Will recognizes the experience as invaluable to his medical career and is willing to take the shift(s). I'll give you the skimmy in Will's sleep schedule from my point of view-- he doesn't take naps at all anymore and he sleeps less than I do-- as he gets up earlier to shadow at the U. I believe he has a very good chance of making this hurdle.

The above photos: Will and I switched off taking pictures of one another so I could update a website I am creating to showcase some of my writing, photography and public relations projects. Also, I've added a picture of a 25 mile bike ride we did the other day with my older brother.


Abby said...

That's right. Keep breathing. Just remember that Sunday will come. It may feel forever away but Sunday will come.

becca said...

Thanks for the update Summer. You two are always in my prayers. And yes, keep breathing, all will be well.

School-Home Connection said...

Yeah!! Ohio, get ready for the Blackhursts!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is truly a miracle. I know it's impossible to tell what the future holds, but it's looking good for you guys - in my opinion.

I am simply amazed! I'll be keeping both of you in my prayers.

Rachael said...

Summer, Great news! It sounds like things are headed in the right direction! Cute pictures, too! I can't wait to see the other site you are working on!

Boni said...

Wow! You're leaving so soon! Okay, maybe not soon for you, but still. I hope and pray all goes well.