Thursday, May 5, 2011


A little over a year ago my father and I got involved with something called Toastmasters. Toastmasters is an organization for improving ones speaking skills. There are chapters all over the place, and what you do is just give, and evaluate, speeches. I gave a speech there probably once every six weeks or so until I gave a total of ten speeches. At the end of the ten speeches I won some sort of reward. I'm still waiting for the certificate, but whether or not it finally arrives I think it was definitely worth doing.
I think it was worth doing one, because I would like to improve my skills as an orator, and two, because it helped me draw closer to my Dad. I think it also helped me in my recovery from my stroke. Coming up with themes from my past and organizing them into speeches both helped me with my memory and with my delivery. While I don't know if doing these speeches helped a lot or a little with my recovery, I do feel that they did help.
In the future I plan to blog more about these speeches individually as well as other things and, hopefully, I can also find some meaningful relationship between them and my continued stoke recovery

Here are a few pictures we've taken on different excursions this past month. They have nothing to do with the aforementioned.

Benjamin and I checking out our cool new carrying pack.
Riding on the beach at Bear lake.

Benjamin and playmates watching Dad play frisbee.

Quite a dapper young gentleman if I do say so myself.

All dressed in our Sunday best on Easter.
Ben, uncle Jarom and grandpa Blackhurst at great grandpa Andrus's 90th birthday bash.

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