Ben is learning sign language through a popular video series called "Signing Times." The videos were created as a response a mother had when she found out her one-year-old baby girl was deaf. In one of her songs on the video it talks about: Starting out with dreams then having fear overtake her (I'm assuming when she found out her little girl was deaf) and then looking to her hands and her "fear slipped away." The chorus goes onto say "So maybe we won't find easy, but Baby we've found the good." As the song continues images of a father and mother holding one another than playing with their child who is severely handicap roll on the screen. These types of hard times are ones that "never get better." My heart aches when I think of how difficult it must be for some people who live with or love someone who has a lifetime disability or a lifetime trial. They will never have it "easy" -- but is that what it is about? Finding the easiest path? One without heartbreak, one without sadness and even at times anger?
Listening to this song I can't help to wonder - how many people relate to the message the composer is sharing here "So maybe we won't find easy, but Baby we've found the good?" How many people relate to what it feels like to have found the "why or how" beyond their trial...that something that makes you more powerful- or in other words "more good."
Don't get me wrong-- heartbreak, sadness and anger of themselves do not automatically breed "good"-- it only has the potential to. In the song the author had to look to her hands and move forward. Then only later did her fear slip away and her "...hands(sign language) did so much more" for so many more people- than just her daughter.
My challenge is for those in the sound of this blog post to look deeper. To feel deeper. Anger, sadness, and heartbreak don't have to make us worse... it can make us better. Let the hard move you to do better-- let the pain push you to greater compassion, greater forgiveness...and not greater fear or anger or sadness, and I promise by doing this you'll find the good.
Well written. Your costumes look great!
Nice costumes. :)
I don't think it is ever really easy for anybody, but it is easier if we look for the good.
very true,
I am so caught by lines and phrases that show positive empowerment. I keep cycling from negative to positive and keep reminding myself that my attitude is my responsibility.
I love the costumes. Ben is so adorable!
Linda in Winnipeg (leading a healthy life)
This post really touched me. As I sit here with tears in my eyes, and knowing that I have a disability that likely will not be removed in this lifetime (bipolar disorder), I am committed to seek the good, not the easy. Easy has not come, but much good has. I feel, at times, that I understand so clearly that my greatest challenge is my greatest blessing. That I would not know my Savior loves me, and carries me, as well any other way. I love you, Summer, and your strength and optimism. Thanks for writing this, and for your Christmas newsletter that led me to your blog and to this long ago written post.
By the way, I had another baby, and need another photo shoot! Call or email me, and we can look at January for a possible opening in your schedule. Thanks!
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