Saturday, June 14, 2008

Dr. Gregory Mayer

Tuesday afternoon Will and I went to Ogden to have Will’s second visit with the neuro-psychologist, Dr. Gregory Mayer. Will went in alone and then I went in after he did. Will discovered that Dr. Mayer is from Bountiful and Dr. Mayer discovered that Will loved to play with Transformers when he was little. He thought it would be highly commendable if Will would participate in things like the triathlon and working as a volunteer at a free medical clinic. Dr. Mayer encouraged Will to talk on the phone as much as possible. Will's phone service has been restored, so those of you who would like to talk to him, can reach him at his old phone number. Though speech is the top priority, Will's continued participation in physical and occupational therapies were encouraged. Dr. Mayer said Will could develop new neurological pathways by repetition, like working out with a Hacky Sack or practicing the piano.

Dr. Mayer said neuro-psyche exams, which he did his dissertation on, are fairly good predictors of one’s capabilities for future success, but not always. Just like SAT and ACT scores used to be looked at along with GPA’s to predict success in college, now they are looking at other things like leadership, verbal skills, community service, etc. He wants us as a family to commend Will on any progress we note, like if he initiates activities such as mowing the lawns or taking out the trash without being asked. I thought those were great suggestions.

Will acknowledges that he is constantly thinking about the stroke and the impact that it has had on his life. He is very aware that life as he knew it has pretty much been put on hold and the support that he is receiving from others is critical to picking up that life and going forward with it.

He participates willingly in therapies which we have initiated such as going to the temple, studying his medical texts, swimming, doing spring cleaning, writing in his journal, reading and commenting on scriptures, and doing jigsaw puzzles. The visit with Dr. Mayer was very pleasant. He seems to be of a mind to let things unfold as they will and to enjoy the journey along the way.

1 comment:

cristie said...

great update. i really like the drs. postive and patient approach. keep up the good work Will. xox