Thursday, June 19, 2008

Slings and Arrows

This week Dr. Mayer observed that Will has put a buffer around himself to protect himself from the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune"* and that have continued to plague him. He suggested he needs to "take up arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing, end them." Meaning, he would like to see a little more fire in the belly.

His recommendation to achieve this fire was that we as his friends and family be as pro-active as possible in engaging him in conversation, games, and other cognitive exercises. We are to be clever too, disguising our therapies so that he doesn't resist them but moves happily from the familiar, to the unfamiliar, from the simple to the complex. He suggested exercises like saying the months of the year forward, then backward, then backward, adding sixes to the ends. To December you add a Zero, to November, a six, and so on until you end up at January with a 66. Will loved it. We recommend it to anyone wanting a quick little brain work-out.

It is our hope that success in these and other areas of cognitive recall, will have the same effect as his successes in the physical realm of climbing up to Angel’s Landing in Zion’s National Park and wading through Zion’s Narrows. Such natural highs appear to be the keys to his continued recovery.

As for the "slings and arrows?"
*The bike shop lost his bike and all the records relating to it.
His mom put his cell phone through the wash. (Needless to say it is now toast.)
He has come down with a very infectious rash called Molluscum Contageiosum. (A rash similar to Chicken Pox for which there is no vaccine.)
Otherwise things are going well.

1 comment:

cristie said...

lots of ups and downs...thanks for the update. we care. xox