I'll start with a very vague sentence that would maybe make more sense if you were interacting with Will daily. "Will is really coming too lately." His clarity of speech, understanding, motivation, and problem solving are really starting to flow together. The complex melodies and chords in "Will's Symphony" are in tune and sound refined and brilliant. As a result- Will is initiating more activities and interactions with others, he is emailing, calling, and communicating more frequently and even our relationship is benefiting--the warm rays of spring are melting the winter worries of Will's recovery.
So I'll bring you up to speed on Will's progress. Will has been studying for Step 3 with another resident every Tuesday. Every Thursday he attends Grand Rounds at the University of Utah. It is fun as a wife to have married someone who didn't always "talk like a doctor" to now have a husband who "always talk's like a doctor" it's amazing to me what these residents know -- Will is brilliant!
We've also been in communication with Dr. Glascow in Ohio. She has instructed William to purchase MKSAP 14, Audio CD's that prepare him for Step 3 of the Boards. Will ordered the CD's online and received them today. Right now I am listening to the sound of the MKSAP CD downloading onto Will's laptop. Dr. Glascow is worried that Will will have a difficult time staying awake 30 hours, so if anyone in the sound of this blog feels free to pray for Will's stamina your prayers and support are always appreciated. We're convinced he will get there. And at the right time William will "run and not be weary and shall walk and not faint."
Will continues a pretty busy schedule of job shadowing a neuro surgeon Tuesday's and Thursdays' and volunteering at a Medical Charity Monday, Wednesday's and Fridays. In our spare time I beat him at basketball, raquetball and running, or maybe it is Will that takes the cake in these areas, I can't remember ;) We're healthy and happy and continue to be grateful for all of your support!
p.s. above are pictures Will took of a couple of his sisters