If I had to label for each month in Will's recovery process this month would be labeled "Memory Recovery." It as been amazing to watch. Just like the old days Will is first to remind me of "this or that or weren't you going to do..." and so on. Other reports on the good news front are that Will has been pretty busy and not pretty tired as a result. I am used to running my husband to the ground than watching him recover/nap for the next few days. This has not been the case. Will keeps me going. In fact today, Sunday, instead of taking an afternoon cat nap Will was all gung hoe about taking pictures (see above). So if this blog post is incomprehensible blame Will for "running ME to the ground."
Let's bring you up to speed on the last two weeks. Lisa, Will's speech therapist, continues to be delightfully surprised with Will's remarkable progress from week to week. So much that she has scheduled the visits for every other week instead of every week. She believes he is doing a great job of keeping up with his "own" therapies. A few weeks ago Lisa asked me to correct Will often, and I mentioned to Lisa if our marriage survived her request to have me constantly nag him to say things again and again than our relationship would be indestructible in the end. So far so good ;) Will's mother said he spoke clearer during their weekly study period than he ever had before. She even went so far as to say that he spoke better than he had before the stroke.
Will and I played lots and lots of sports this week. Basketball twice with my brothers and "new brother in law to be," than on the other days we did racketball and swimming. I'd like to tell everyone that I beat Will at racket ball, because I was the one who taught him to play five years ago, but the rotten kid schools me every time.
Last but not least Lisa came back to me with another request this week. To be very articulate with Will's medical studies-- first off I can't even pronounce the words in the book and last off I don't know if he'll want to stay with me if I am his 24/7 therapist, so I deferred. I called in for reinforcement. Chris, a friend of mine, is a second year resident and has agreed to study with Will every week starting Tuesday. I'm convinced that it takes a community to heal a stroke victim and an amazing family to make each day brighter. We couldn't do this without all of you. Thank you! Thank you!
just so you know... we're here, reading, and smiling for you good news. xox
So I know it's been two weeks since you posted this, but I'm really glad to hear how ridiculously awesome he is doing. Good job Will and Summer.
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