Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ice Castles

I just finished watching a movie, "Ice Castles," about a skater who makes it to nationals than is injured and goes blind. In an instant everything is taken away from her. Now a little background on me. I don't cry during movies, but I fought back tears the entire show. In the movie the girl skates at nationals and no one finds out she is blind until after. It is not a true story and it was not something that really happened. But the tears still stung as I watched. I could only think of Will. How much he had. How much sacrifice he had made to get to where he was. President Bill Clinton was at his Graduation to congratulate him and his fellow Graduates on their hard work and accomplishment. I can tell you in Will's recovery- the pain of wanting to be back to where he was-- of him wanting to be a doctor does not dull. Will wants to practice medicine. He was born to serve and watch over people. I have always known this. It is one of the traits about him that I fell in love with instantly. He is compassionate and would never dream of hurting someone. What a true doctor should be. Why so much has been taken away from him - still causes tears to fall. So as this is his recovery blog I will let you in on the secret... that it is still hard. But watching Will weep over his misgivings and then stand to fight another day makes be believe it is not over yet.

Unlike the movie, Will and I are doing the real life thing. The how do we get him back where he can perform. What do we do with the entirely overwhelming medical school debt, my mortgage and our wanting a family. This is reality. I have decided the real heros aren't just the ones who rise after they fall, but it is the ones who rise after they fall again and again. Watching Will rise makes me fall in love with him all over again each day. I am truly the luckiest girl in the world. Such character is really the end all be all. The secret and meaning to everything we do here on earth. I return to invite you to not buckle, to be valiant in your values. No matter what the world throws at you-- don't throw it back. Give em back something better.

As for what we've been up to, Will has and continues to make some real strides. He has his "part time" job at Lingustica. He is at the Maliheh Free Clinic volunteering almost everyday. He continues to attend morning rounds. He is studying more than ever. And he continues his church service, two weeks ago he taught a lesson in Elders Quorum. It took him half the time it usually does to prepare and he delivered it beautifully to the class. This week he is giving a "speech" to his fellow toastmasters in his toastmasters class. As a side note Will's father attends this class with him every week and the two are working to improve their presentation skills. It is great to have Will's dad helping out in this area. As for the minor stuff you might not want to do summersaults over but I do- are his waking up without my prompting at 5:30 am to get to morning report on time. And his ability to recall what he learns there. OK, I am sure this entry is long enough. Thanks for taking the time to read our blog. Keep praying and keep watching.

Summer Blackhurst

ps I don't have a lot of pictures for you this week. The one I've posted is typical Will, paying attention to our nieces and nephews-- he sure is a big deal to them :)


Jordan and Shannon said...

You two are amazing! You exemplify what the Lord wants us to do in this life..."endure it well."

Elissa said...

I think you guys are incredible. Just keep on swimming. progress is so incremental sometimes that you don't see it til you look back and see how far you've come. I'm cheering for you!