Sunday, September 12, 2010


Last weekend Summer and I went on a trip down to Scofield. Scofield, for those of you who don't know, is located about two hours south of Salt Lake. It's a nice little town on the edge of a lake. We, however, didn't actually go there. We went to a friends cabin which was actually quite a ways away and in the middle of no where. I guess it was still part of Scofield, but it was definitely out of the way.

We went there with our friend Matt and his wife and two other couples, one of which included Matt's sister. We went on Friday night. It was labor day weekend and so most of our group was going to stay until Monday, but we decided to go back home on Saturday night.

Anyway, are activities included riding ATVs, fishingand paintball shooting. Most of this happened on Saturday, after we had gotten a good nights rest. The ATVs were fun. I had never ridden on one before, but it certainly wasn't hard to figure out. I went out several times including once or twice with Summer. Unfortunately (or fortunately I guess) Summer, due to the pregnancy, felt better driving because she could stand up more easily when we were going over rough patches.

On Saturday afternoon we went out to the "lake" and fished. I put lake in quotation marks because it wasn't a lake. It was a pond, but lake sounds better when your telling your friends about it. Anyway, it was big enough to canoe on, and there was a thing in the middle that you could just sit and fish on. I cast in my line several times (it was legal because the pond was owned by Matt's father and so I didn't need a license) and reeled in several times, but caught only some sea weed. Apparently it was too early in the afternoon to really hope to catch anything. It was fun though, and a nice way to relax.

In the evening before dinner Matt invited the boys to go paint-balling so the four of us headed out while our wives cooked up some fixings. We drove to a wooded place and got ready. We divided into teams. Matt and I on one and the other two on the other. Then we went our separate ways and at the appropriate signal began approaching each other with the intent to shoot. We of course had on our camouflage and our protective helmets so that we couldn't actually hurt one another. Unfortunately one of the guns malfunctioned and wouldn't shoot, then another gun did the same thing. Turns out they wereout of compressed air which is necessary to propel the ammo. Mine wasn't one of those guns but I gladly gave it up so that one of the other guys could have a good gun. We then had a one-on-one competition and then went home to have some grilled chicken.

After dinner Summer and I took off for home. It was a nice trip and we were both glad that we went.

As far as pregnancy goes we are hoping that all will go well and counting down the weeks until Summer's due. Right now were at two and a half. I've also got a position at a lab at the U which I am starting soon. Its not payed right now, but it could be in the future. Finally this Thursday I will start taking a radiology class which will go until the end of the year.

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