Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Things are picking up

Forgive me if this entry is shorter than usual (Actually, you'll probably be thanking me that it is shorter in contrast to the novels I usually write). But I have just a minute before our baby, Benjamin David, wakes up. As you've guessed Will and I are the proud parents of a little boy. He was born Saturday night, weighing 7 lbs 9 ounces. He is healthy and strong and everything a parent could dream of. Sweet and quiet, a disposition much more like his dad than like his mothers. What luck ;)

Well the purpose for this entry is to complain. O I mean give thanks. I don't know what the purpose of this entry is other than I am a full fledged mother-- tittering around the home trying to figure out how to take care of a tiny human being and Will is not around. He is swamped with work (unpaid but great for preparing him for a good career). Will works at a free clinic in the mornings, as a lab technician in the afternoons and at nights attends classes to get a limited practice license in preforming Xrays. In his free moments-- which are few and far between--- he is applying for jobs, residency and preparing for his upcoming class.

This crazy schedule is just what the doctor ordered for returning Will to his pre-stroke capabilities. Really I imagine he'll have a lot more capabilities once he has picked up a few more trades along the way to becoming a doctor.   He is doing wonderful. He has changed his doctor emphasis from internal medicine to radiology (a much more family friendly practice). Hopefully we'll dig up some interviews from residencies around the country in the coming months. If not well try again next year.  Thanks again for following our story!



Elissa said...

I know I already said this, but WOOHOO! Congrats on your sweet baby. He is positively beautiful! And congrats on being a mom. I'm so happy for you guys! Give yourself time to adjust to a life change--b/c that's definitely what it is. I was soo happy to finally be a mom, but sure spent some time crying--every day for a month or more. I don't know if that was normal or not. But the fog cleared, you DO get sleep again, and it just seems to get better all the time. (Oh and what gorgeous newborn pics those are!)

Natasha and Jesse said...

Congratulations! What great pictures- he is sure a cutie! And really nice name too.

Rachael said...

Congratulation! I hope everything went well for the delivery. He is adorable. My advice--sleep while he sleeps! (because at some point he won't be sleeping as much)! And enjoy him and the newborn cuddling phase!