Sunday, August 26, 2012

Holding hands

I feel like I'm being reeled up the length of a very tall roller coaster, just about to roll over the top and fly down the track, stomach in throat and hand in Will's. We're within weeks of welcoming our next little boy into the world, and we're both very excited. We can't wait for the first real contraction- indicating the appraoching arrival of James. It is wonderful to share my life with my best friend. To have him at my side as we ride through the ups and downs holding hands all the while. Three of Will's siblings have been (or will be by next week) joined in marriage the last two months. You can just feel the love they share. And then I think about how much that love grows with the addition of children, and sticking through the difficult times. I'm even more excited for the next chapter in our life. Even though I know the combination of raising a toddler and newborn is a giantic task.  I also know finding Will a career is also going to be very difficult. We're in it together, and I can't wait to see where we end up.

As for Will's actual recovery I still see noteable changes. Like he is alert if I wake him in the middle of the night- that has never happened in our marriage until the last month or so. He gets emails and responds to them as quick as he would have before his stroke-- also new these past few months.  He's better everyday, and its been almost five years since the stroke blew through. As for our lives we've been busy with weddings and vacations-- hence the late in the month blog post and the double hitter (meaning watch for a post in the next few days).  Finally as a side note-- Will has not forgotten this blog- he took a break from it to study and look for jobs this past half year but lately he's been telling me he's going to get back online. So keep your fingers crossed and you might hear from the man himself one of these days :)

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