Sunday, March 9, 2008


At church Will was quite the celebrity. He was wearing one of his handsome suits, his best pair of dress shoes and sporting three day’s growth of beard, creating that rugged-doctor look which has so much eye-appeal for the single women of the neighborhood. Unfortunately most of the single women were at the Singles ward, but a most favorable impression was made on the women single or married who where there. It appears they were not expecting to see anyone so healthy and generally altogether looking.

Will attended Elders Quorum, then sat by me in Sunday School. He went to each reference in the scriptures as we discussed it, and when I was called on to read, he lent his scriptures to me since I had not brought my own.

He sang the hymns with energy in sacrament meeting, but then got drowsy about halfway through. He fought it off, but then went to bed as soon as he got home.

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