Sunday, November 29, 2009

The End....Another Beginning

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity, with hardly a minute to type. I'll start with the last leg of the trip and let Will tell you the end of our trip. After Gettysburg we set up shop at Will's sister's place in Brooklyn, New York. What a city to live in. The drivers in New York are crazy the buildings are covered in spray paint, and parking is nearly impossible. Even though it was a little bit of a culture shock for me I have to say I felt a richness and culture there that was totally new and exciting. Will's sister's place is 125 years old. Everywhere you look there are cathedrals, bakeries, gift shops, libraries, and authentic restaurants. After spending a few days in Brooklyn and taking my first ever to visit Trader Joe's, it was time to head into the center of the Big Apple. Will and I spent an entire day touring New York. It was soooo much fun. We started out by doing some temple work at the New York Temple and then we walked across Central Park to the Metropolitan Museum where we spent hours visiting a few of the exhibits there. Then we took the subway down to Times Square and ate our first New York Bagel and slice of New York Pizza. Times Square at night is buzzing with activity and the lights are magical. After taking it all in we were 45 minutes early to Wicked. I will spare you my rants about how it was the most amazing musical I have ever seen. Just know that I have been singing the broadway tunes without ceasing ever since that moment ;).

We left for Utah the next day. Will will tell you the rest of that story. As for our future, it is still very much unwritten. Because of our experience in Ohio, things have felt as if they have regressed. We have felt and continue to feel lost. The questions and advice continues-- "why don't you try this...." or "do you have a back up plan...." --- as we are still unsure as to what the fastest way back to full recovery is or where (if ever) the recovery will stop these questions will remain a mystery for the time being. In the meantime while we have experienced loss and stumbling blocks, the reality is that Will continues to experience extraordinary recovery-- his wakefulness improves everyday, his personality exhibits itself more all the time, and lastly he remembers more and understands more than he ever has before. This story is far from over -- it is only beginning.. We're revving up for another go :) So keep praying and keep reading. We love you and thank you for all you do to help us in this journey.

Ps I've posted the pictures of the above mentioned activities. We have also set a new goal to have Will blog as well. I am very glad he has consented to do so, he is definitely my better half. I am soo lucky to have him :)

1 comment:

Elissa said...

"'re going to be pop-u-u-lar...." Doesn't that song stay with you for ever after? I'm sure I was singing it for for months. :) Sounds like you guys had a fun trip!