Thursday, October 28, 2010

Time is….

…a whirlwind right now. I don't know if it's going too fast or slowing down. Being a new mom is out of this world. Between little sleep, recovering from the delivery and spending so much of my day caring for Benjamin- emotionally, physically, mentally I'm being pushed to really focus and learn to keep life and baby balanced.

Since this blog is not Summer's Blabbers Blog, I'll move on to the comparison - we are in the midst of "pushing" Will. On top of all the clinic work, lab work, and school work -- Will is still applying for residency, jobs, and studying for Step 3. This schedule is bringing added focus and organization into Will's recovery that he has not had prior.  He is doing great. I continue to see recovery in Will week to week. He is remembering names and details more than he ever has.  It's fun to see improvement after such a length of time.

However, despite all of this recovery/work/effort, Will is still unemployed. There are plenty of reasons why Will could hang up his gloves and quit trying at this point, it's been two and a half years and he has still not had a break in the career arena.  He has been told that he is not going to get any better and that most of the stroke recovery happens in the first year. But as you can guess, we don't believe we are as far as we are going to get in terms of his recovery. We won't believe that he can't be a doctor. So we'll continue to write in this blog and time will continue to roll forward at whatever pace it needs to in order for Will to achieve what he is dreaming. So keep with us on our journey because we're getting to the good part, and in the meantime enjoy the photos of the cutest little guy (and bigger guy) you've ever seen.


ps I know it is Will's time to blog but he's awful busy and I didn't want too much time to pass without updating the blog.


Joe said...

Hello, Summer and Will.

I came across your blog and I wanted to share with you how amazingly inspiring your story is.

I read the first few posts as well as the more recent ones and while I don't know you I've been amazed by your strength, positive perspectives and your determination.

I came across your blog because I have a Google alert for the term: "Stroke Recovery."

And that alert begs the original reason for searching this type of information.

I have a story, like your's, where life sent us a curve ball. On March 10, 2010 I had an ischemic stroke of my left rear temporal lobe of my brain. I was 38 at the time of the stroke. Will, like you, I was healthy and had no history of strokes. 120/70, cholesterol 135, fit, eat well, etc., etc. I did have a heart valve repaired in 2005 but they ruled that out as a cause.

I also created a blog which dates back from original heart surgery and has picked back up since the stroke.

Anyway, I will continue to follow your amazing journey and will think positively for you.



Summer Blackhurst said...

I'm glad you found us Joe. I loved reading your blog. I hope all is going well for you!

Mindy said...

Summer! I love your pictures! Your little boy is so beautiful!