7:55 am Cath Lab calls. Dr. Michaels has returned early from his conference. Could we come to the hospital as soon as possible?
9:20 am Check-in at surgical admitting.
9:30 am Arrive at Cath Lab.
9:45 am Will enters holding area, changes into hospital gown. Vital signs are taken and pre-procedure electrocardiogram (ECG) is done. Dr. Gupta explains risks of procedure and Will signs paper acknowledging explanation.
10:15 am Will is wheeled into room where procedure will be done.
11:00 am Sara, Cath Lab RN, reports that the Cribiform Occluder has been placed in Will's heart. The doctors are now closing up. Will received a sedative but was awake throughout.
11:25 am Dr. Efstratiadis comes to say Will has been returned to the holding area and we can now go back to him.
11:35 am Post-procedure ECG.
11:55 am Trans-thoracic echocardiogram (TTE) of the heart (through the chest wall) and a bubble study. This is an ultrasound of the heart. We get to watch the monitor. When the technician has a good picture with all four chambers of the heart, the nurse injects air into the blood stream. We watch the air bubbles travel through the heart. There is a blizzard of bubbles on the right side, but none that my untrained eye can see on the left. The doctors expect that there will still be bubbles immediately after the device is inserted. They will compare the recording of this TTE with the recording that was made during a trans-esophageal echocardiogram (TEE) in Columbus immediately after Will's stroke.
2:30 pm It's three hours after the procedure. Will gets up and walks a short distance. Then the nurse checks for bleeding at the incision. After that he goes downstairs in a wheelchair for a chest X-ray.
3:05 pm Will gets dressed and waits for the evaluation of the TTE and the X-ray.
4:10 pm Everything is fine. We leave the hospital. Follow up appointment is May 6.
Procedure team:
Andrew D. Michaels, attending physician
Saurabh Gupta, interventional cardiologist
Holy moley that was fast. How's Will doing now?
Also, you could have called us Provo kids to tell us Will was having surgery today.... :)
Sorry, I'm an old Ohio friend of Will's. I'm living Provo and I'm wondering where Will is and if visitors are permitted.
So glad to hear that everything went well. Ü
Nathan, Will's living at home in Bountiful. I'm sure he'd love to have you come visit. What information do you need?
Sounds like Will is doing great! That is so wonderful to hear. We miss him here in Ohio, and hope he comes back soon. Love the updates- keep up the great work. You are in our hearts and prayers!
My email address is ncline1_at_gmail.com. Please email be a phone number and address so I can go visit. Thank you.
It sounds like Will is doing really good! We're friends of his from Ohio. Please let him know Dan and Tiffany said hi and that he is in our thoughts and prayers!
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