So you're probably wondering why the frequency of our posts dropped off so suddenly. Short answer: In Mom's case, follow on developments to her surgery put her in a debilitated state for 2 or 3 weeks. Only now is she starting to recover from that.
In my case, I kept my day job through all of this. Now that I'm showing up at the office again, they're giving me stuff to do. Also, I flew back to Columbus on April 15th to get Will's car and things. I drove back to Bountiful in 2 days, arriving in the wee hours of Friday morning the 18th. That and work kept me wiped out since then. But Will now has his car, piano (electronic), guitar, and other things we hope will be helpful to his recovery.
Abby and Sarah are home for the summer and helping with Will. You may see posts from them occasionally.
1 comment:
Please don't give up on your posts!
Keep up the good progress Will. You have been incredibly blessed with excellent medical care, selfless family support, personal determination and the prayers of the faithful which will result in a complete and full recovery and a return to business as usual in time! love to you all - Rose's
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