Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Other Notes from Tuesday's Appointment

Will and I told Dr. Edgley about our 3-lap run around the Bountiful High School track. Dr. Edgley is very impressed that Will is able to run.

We discussed cognitive skills. Mom mentioned that Lisa, Will's speech therapist, had administered a shape-matching exercise to Will the day before. Mom sat next to Will and did the same exercise. Will beat her hands down.

Dr. Edgley will arrange for a neuropsychological evaluation of Will in early July. Dr. Edgley explained that Will had had several MRI's of his brain. The neuropsych eval is like an MRI of the mind. Its purpose will be to find any cognitive deficits that Will has at that time, and to fine-tune his therapy to address those deficits.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello. It's Amy, one of the nurses who worked with Dr. Blackhurst in the clinic. Several of us stalk this blog and no recent updates.... We hope everything is continuing to go well and want Dr. Blackhurst to know that he remains in our thoughts and prayers!