Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A Mother's Day to Remember

Mother’s Day was fabulous. The family gathered together for Sunday dinner and the viewing of the DVD the friends of Will sent from Riverside. They also sent a big framed picture of the residents and a smaller picture of the preceptors that worked with him. The DVD was the filming of a bake-sale, fund-raiser they were hosting in Will’s behalf. It was so good to see his colleagues, his doctors, fellow residents, therapists, and administrative staff, all of whom have remained loyal supporters, choosing not to forget him in their hearts or prayers, or pocket-books. As we watched the video, recalling names, faces, and acts of kindness performed in our behalf by these dear people, we recognized this chapter of our lives as being almost surreal, a dream in which bitter tears, sweet laugher, exultation and anguish intermingled in conversations with veritable strangers. Could this really be happening? Could we really be loved this much? Watching the DVD was a quiet affirmation of hope that we could. There are those who see beyond our current crisis. There are those who remain watchmen on the tower, working for the cure, praying for the miracle, waiting for the return. Receiving that care package was a shot in the arm, as it were; an immunization against despair. We have hung up the pictures of the Preceptors and Residents on either side of Will’s favorite painting of Christ as a reminder of what we are striving for and who is helping us. Thanks to all of you for hanging with us through the peaks and valleys of Will's Recovery .

1 comment:

cristie said...

i do love this post and your sweet reminder of "watchmen on the tower." thank you for always sharing your miracle with us. xox