Today Will is in Ohio. I am in Utah. Last year at this time we were both in Ohio at a trial rotation back at Riverside Methodist Hospital. This year Will was granted a residency interview at OSU.
Plenty has changed since last year's Ohio visit. First I'll mention Will's improved capacities and then move on to our family's changes. As for the "now and then" stroke recovery comparisons. I went with Will to Ohio last year because he had a difficult time keeping track of schedules, appointments and organizing his time. This year none of these deficits are issues. I do not worry that he will get lost in the airport or that he will not be able to locate his baggage or that he will be late to any of his interviews. I know he'll do fine. Last year Will's organization and processing speeds deficits tended to make Will seem less "with it." My husband's above average intelligence was masked because of his inability to retrieve information. This year however, he is different. And while he is not all the way "back" the brain connections are continuing to mend and I believe those who knew him will see a difference.
As for our situation, last year we returned from Ohio jobless and again with no guarantee that Will would ever be a doctor, but nonetheless with family as a first priority we decided to have a baby. We put our newly remodeled condo up for rent, moved into mom and dads basement apartment and set a strict budget (Will has a disability benefit). Now instead of a my working and planning trips and gatherings with our friends, I am waking up three times a night to feed Ben and I send my hubby off to volunteer for eight hours and then to class for another three. But as any happily married wife and new mother can attest-- I have never been happier. The proof is in the pictures, it's in this video. The truth is that while life and it's expenses and hardships have gotten harder -- it's also much, much better. I love Will more everyday and I couldn't ask for a better son.
Meanwhile, only time will tell if tomorrow's OSU interview evolves into a position for Will at their hospital, or if he'll be accepted back into any training program for MD's this year. But no matter the outcome we'll continue working towards our goals, because we both believe someday he will be able to return to the demands of being a doctor.
ps the pics are Ben, Will and I and Will's sibs at Temple Square.